◘○Innocent Illusion○◘

.:(CW):. Fallon - Mermaid dress Aqua (wear me) BOX!!!
***FALLON GOWN - Top Lace & Skirt
ONLY @ SENSE Events starting February 15th!
NEW exclusive, dress in 5 colors (Aqua. Pink. Gold, Cherry & Black)
Theme: Glamour!
SENSE Event Second Round starting February 15th!
Taxi sim shopping:
SENSE Event URL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/DreamsLand/45/148/1589
♡ 1 Fitted
♡ Maitreya
♡ Slink (Hourglass - Physique)
.╣➩ Accessories:
2 Brooch
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*PosESioN* Agatha Set
*PosESioN* Agatha Set
News at The Darkness Event 5th February. Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Zen%20Soul/183/88/24
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